Creativity Boost 30 min

Creativity Boost 30 minutes
Creativity Boost 30 min, great tool.
You want to create something, a paper, a report, a painting or an exceptional presentation and you don’t know how to start or where to start. Don’t worry, use the Creativity Boost recording and start to do something, then soon you know where and how to start. After you made a good start you can switch to the “Pure Focus” recording and finish the job. The extra time invested will pay every penny back, in quality and time savings.
The recording takes you to different brainwave frequencies to stimulate the use of your whole brain. (Click the link for more information about Brainwave Entrainment and Brainwave frequencies ).
The frequencies are generated through the use of Binaural Beats, see Binaural Beats, this technique requires the use of headphones or earplugs.
To start.
Use headphones or earplugs and start the Creativity Boost recording from your iPod or smartphone, you are immediately taken to the desired state of mind.
Study 60 min
Study better with Binaural Beats, 60 minutes.
Use this part of the Professional Performance Package when you have to read and study a lot of information, reports, papers or manual then this tool will help to read, study and remember. It brings you in a relaxed state and it stimulates your memory.
It is an excellent tool for managers, students, researchers and anyone who wants to acquire new knowledge in an efficient and fast manner.
The recording takes you to Alpha brainwave frequencies.
(See the paragraph below about brainwave frequencies)
The frequencies are generated through the use of Binaural Beats, see Binaural Beats, this technique requires the use of headphones or earplugs.
Use headphones or earplugs and start the Studying recording from your iPod or smartphone, you are immediately taken to the desired state of mind.
Pure Focus 60 min
Pure Focus 60 Min.
Pure Focus Binaural Beats, 60 minutes, use your brain effectively.
When you have a task to perform that needs focus and concentration, you can use this 60 minutes “Pure Focus” recording. It brings you in a state of alert focusing, vitality and concentration on the job. In that state you will deliver quickly and accurately.
It is an excellent tool for managers, students, researchers and anyone who wants to produce quick and good results.
Using the Pure Focus tool makes your life easy when you have to write a paper, make a complicated planning or create a presentation.
The recording takes you to low Beta brainwave frequencies. (See brainwave frequencies)
The frequencies are generated through the use of Binaural Beats, see the separate paragraph about Binaural Beats, this technique requires the use of headphones or earplugs.
Use headphones or earplugs and start the Pure Focus recording from your iPod or smartphone, you are immediately taken to the desired state of mind. You can take a short break after the 60 minutes and then continue (if the job isn’t finished yet).