dna repair
Solfeggio Tones, Why Important?

The old Solfeggio scale.
The ancient Solfeggio scale, known as “Just Intonation”, is best known for its use in soothing Gregorian chants, but history dates back to Biblical times. The old 6-tone scale and another 3 tones that have since been discovered are recognized by many musicologists and scientists to have a positive effect on body and mind.
The old Gregorian chants.
In the 11th century, a Benedictine monk named Guido d’Arezzo introduced the musical scale we now know as the Solfeggio frequencies – although some claim they are even older than that.
The monks used these original six Solfeggio notes – 396, 417, 528, 639, 741 and 852 – in their Gregorian chants. If you have ever heard any of these chants, you are already familiar with music that uses the Solfeggio scale.
These tones each have a certain influence on a different part of man.
Unfortunately, the scale was lost in the 16th century, although the exact cause is unknown.
Some say the Solfeggio scale was simply left for a new musical scale, others claim it disappeared under the political and religious turmoil of the Middle Ages in Western Europe, and there are even some who suggest even more, well, conspiratorial theories, from Biblical secrets to plots by the Roman Catholic Church.
Whatever the cause, the six-tone Solfeggio scale, also known as “Just Intonation,” was replaced by the “Twelve-tone Equal Temperament,” which we still use today.
The tones and their influence
The original “old” Solfeggio tones
396 Hz, UT, freeing from guilt and fears.
Through the release of fears and guilt feelings, achieving goals is facilitated. This Solfeggio frequency can also be used to ground, awaken, “WAKE UP,” sobering up and return to “reality”. The “Ut” tone frees you from the sense of guilt and fear by bringing down the defense mechanisms. The 396 Hz frequency searches for hidden blocks, unconscious negative beliefs and ideas that have led to your current situations.
417 Hz, RE, Cell DNA Cleaning, undo situations and facilitate change.
This tone of the Solfeggio scale is associated with resonance or amplification processes. The tone “Re” can “remove” someone’s “alienation from God” and make it possible to return to the “right path”. This Solfeggio frequency cleanses traumatic experiences and removes destructive influences from past events. It can be used for cleansing of limiting beliefs and ideas, whether or not they are invented or learned, preventing the person from achieving his / her life goals. Cellular processes: the tone “Re” stimulates the cell and its DNA to function optimally. The frequency of 417 Hz energizes your body cells and helps to use their creative potential.
528 Hz, MI, this tone stands for “Transformation”, “Miracles” and “DNA Repair”.
The tone “Mi” is used to return human DNA to its original, perfect state. When used in the manner described in Webster’s dictionary – communicating the desired effect and energizing the “light” – miracles will happen! The DNA repair process is followed by beneficial effects – increased life energy, clarity of mind, consciousness, awakened or activated creativity, ecstatic states such as deep inner peace, dance and celebration. The tone “Mi” also opens the person to deep spiritual experiences and spiritual enlightenment.
639 Hz, FA, the Solfeggio tone of connecting and relationships.
This frequency makes it possible to create a harmonious community and harmonious interpersonal relationships. The tone “FA” can be used to deal with relationship problems within the family, between partners, with friends or with social problems. At the cellular level, the tone “FA” can be used to stimulate the cell to communicate with its environment. This old Solfeggio frequency improves communication, mutual understanding, tolerance and love. The frequency of 639 Hz can also be used for communication with “parallel worlds” or spiritual spheres.
741 Hz, SOL, removing bacteria, viruses, infections, toxins and awakening the intuition.
The tone “SOL” cleanses the cell (“Solve polluti” = “Solving pollution”) from the toxins. Frequent use of 741 Hz leads to a healthier, simpler life and also a change in diet to foods that are not poisoned by different types of toxins. The “SOL” tone also cleanses the cell from various types of electromagnetic radiation. Another important application of this frequency is the cleaning of infections, viruses, bacteria and fungi. This tone leads you to a pure, stable and spiritual life.
852 Hz, LA, awaken the intuition and return to spiritual order.
The tone “LA” is linked to your ability to see through the illusions of your life, such as hidden agendas of people, places and things. It increases awareness and returns you to spiritual order. This frequency can be used as a means of opening up a person to communication with the all-encompassing Spirit. It increases awareness and allows you to return to spiritual order. Cellular processes: the frequency 852 Hz allows the cell to transform itself into a higher level system.
The “new” Solfeggio tones.
174 Hz, the lowest tone.
This tone affects our lowest level, our physical body and our energy. It acts as a natural anesthetic, relieving pain both physically and energetically, while giving our internal organs a greater sense of safety and comfort.
285 Hz, healing skin, tissues and organs.
This tone goes even further in the treatment of the body and heals our skin and muscle tissue to remove burns, cuts and other damage. It improves our health and overall well-being by rejuvenating our body, mind and energy level.
963 Hz, the highest level of consciousness.
This Solfeggio frequency takes us to the highest level of consciousness. This frequency connects us to the perfection of the universe, allowing us to take advantage of the Oneness that pervades everything that is and will be. The crown chakra is also connected to the pineal gland (central nervous system), giving us access to intuition, telepathy, high-level psychic vision and an intimate connection with God / Love.
“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9,
then you would have the key to the universe.”
Nikola Tesla