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Isochronic tones

Sleep well with the Solfeggio Night Suite.

Sleep well with the nine recordings of 50 minutes.

Discover deep and restful sleep with the Solfeggio Night Suite, featuring nine soothing recordings, each lasting 50 minutes. These recordings are based on the well-known Solfeggio tones: 174 Hz, 285 Hz, 396 Hz, 417 Hz, 528 Hz, 639 Hz, 741 Hz, 852 Hz, and 963 Hz.

The Solfeggio Night Suite is designed to help you unwind and heal during your sleep. Each recording combines the specific Solfeggio tone with Delta 1 Isochronic tones and the calming sound of a waterfall. Delta 1 Isochronic tones are known for inducing deep sleep and promoting overall healing.

How to use the “Sleep Well” recordings.

Using a Bluetooth speaker combined with your smartphone, you can play these MP3 recordings at a whisper volume, allowing your subconscious mind to absorb their therapeutic benefits. With a speaker or play them directly on your phone. When you play all the recordings in the suite, it will take approximately 7.5 hours. However, most people opt to select four recordings for a more focused nighttime experience.

A closer look at the Solfeggio tones.

Let’s take a closer look at the healing properties of some of the Solfeggio tones in the suite:

  1. 174 Hz: This lowest Solfeggio tone affects both our physical body and energy. It alleviates pain and brings comfort and safety to our internal organs.
    The frequency of 174 Hz is often associated with grounding and creating a solid foundation. It is believed to help reduce pain, promote physical and emotional healing, and support the release of stagnant energy. Some practitioners also associate this frequency with the element of Earth and its nurturing qualities.
  2. 285 Hz: This frequency aids in healing the skin, tissues, and organs. It promotes rejuvenation and overall well-being.
    The frequency of 285 Hz is said to have a profound impact on cellular regeneration and rejuvenation. It aims to facilitate the healing of damaged tissues (and organs), improve overall health, and promote vitality and energy flow within the body.
  3. 396 Hz (UT): Known for freeing from guilt and fears, this frequency facilitates achieving goals and overcoming defense mechanisms.
    This tone is believed to aid in releasing emotional and psychological patterns of guilt and fear, promoting a sense of peace and liberation.
  4. 417 Hz (RE): Associated with DNA cleaning, this tone helps undo past situations and supports positive change. It is effective in cleansing limiting beliefs and traumatic experiences.
    Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change: This frequency is thought to help facilitate positive transformation and dissolve negative influences in one’s life.
  5. 528 Hz (MI): This tone symbolizes transformation, miracles, and DNA repair. It can lead to increased life energy, clarity of mind, and spiritual experiences.
    Transformation and Miracles: Known as the “Love frequency,” 528 Hz is said to resonate with the heart chakra, promoting healing, harmony, and miracles.
  6. 639 Hz (FA): The Solfeggio tone of connecting and relationships, it fosters harmonious interactions within families, between partners, and in social settings.
    Connecting Relationships: This frequency is associated with fostering harmonious relationships, enhancing communication, and resolving conflicts.
  7. 741 Hz (SOL): This frequency removes toxins from cells, supports detoxification, and cleanses the body from bacteria, viruses, and infections.
    Awakening Intuition: Considered the frequency of intuition, 741 Hz is believed to stimulate self-expression, self-realization, and spiritual awakening.
  8. 852 Hz (LA): Known for awakening intuition and returning to spiritual order, this tone enhances awareness and spiritual connection.
    Returning to Spiritual Order: This tone is thought to reconnect individuals with their spiritual selves, promoting a sense of unity, peace, and wholeness.
  9. 963 Hz: This highest level of consciousness frequency connects us to the perfection of the universe, promoting intuition, psychic vision, and a deep connection with spirituality.
    Spiritual Awakening and Connection:
    The frequency of 963 Hz is often considered a high spiritual frequency associated with awakening and connecting with one’s higher self and the divine. It is believed to enhance intuition, increase spiritual awareness, and promote a deep sense of oneness and unity with the universe.

Sleep well and

Embrace the healing power of the Solfeggio Night Suite to experience peaceful sleep and awaken refreshed and rejuvenated. Allow these frequencies to guide you towards holistic well-being and a profound connection with yourself and the universe.

Sound Healing

Sound Healing

Sound Healing How Does It Work?

By using auditory recordings that produce different frequencies, we can influence the brainwave frequencies. This way you can quickly get into the desired state, for example if you want to meditate or sleep deeply. This happens because the brain tunes in to the frequencies we hear, this process is also called “Brainwave Entrainment”.

Brainwave entrainment is a practice that aims to induce brainwave frequencies by tuning to outside stimuli, through sound or light effects. Sound effects are often used in the form of binaural beats, isochronic tones or the so-called Solfeggio tones.

Brain hemisphere synchronization.

An additional result of listening to frequencies is that both hemispheres of the brain will show the same frequency, causing brain hemisphere synchronization. Increased levels of synchronization are common in people who meditate regularly and those who are very satisfied with their lives in general.

See also Wikipedia

Brainwave Entrainment, important for You 2

Brainwave Entrainment – This is using stimuli (such as sound, light, or EM fields) to influence the rate of our brainwaves, which in the process affects our mental state.

Our brain plays “monkey see/monkey do” with stimuli in the proximity. If you have lights flashing at 4 cycles a second, our brain will begin to mimic that with its own brainwaves. When our brainwaves are at a certain frequency, our body will do whatever it normally would do — we normally produce brainwaves of 4 cycles a second when we’re sleeping – so pulsating light at this rate would put a person to sleep.

Say you want to do this with sound instead of pulsating light – since most brainwave entrainment frequencies are below 30 HZ, and are often below human hearing range, you (usually) can’t just generate the tones using a wave generator. There are two methods that are typically used to generate these ultra-low tones in a way that humans can perceive them and feel their effects.

1. Binaural Beats.

Binaural beats Alpha 10 Hz

The concept of “binaural beats”.

For a long time, we’ve been aware that certain frequencies are associated with certain states of mind. For example, the alpha frequency of 8 to 12Hz is present when individuals are in a relaxed  super-learning and positive-thinking mode. This mind frequency is usually obtained through meditation, and can be verified through an electroencephalograph (EEG) reading.
We can’t however simply listen to such frequencies in an attempt to adopt that frame of mind. The ears can only typically hear between 20 and 20,000Hz.

If we could manage to replicate the lower frequencies somehow, we could play these to the mind and thereby recreate these effects on demand.

In 1939 the German experimenter H.W. Dove discovered that by playing two coherent sounds of similar frequencies into each ear, a third “binaural beat” is produced.

Binaural Beats – Using a computer or synthesizer (and a good pair of stereo headphones), generate two tones, one in the left ear, one in the right – your brain imagines it hears a third tone equal to the difference between the two tones.

(For instance, if you had a 400 HZ tone in one ear, and a 410 HZ tone in the other, you would perceive a third tone of 10 HZ.)

And this would have the same effects that a pulsating light at 10 cycles per second would. In order for this to work, the two tones need to be below 1000 HZ.

When using an MP3 with Binaural beats a stereo headphone is required.

2. Isochronic Tones.

Isochronic tones – While a tone at 4 HZ would be too low to hear by itself, if you can generate four beeps per second, this will have the same effect as 4 Hz binaural beats.

So Isochronic tones can also be used for brainwave entrainment.

And stereo headphones are not required.

3. Which one to use?

As far as which of these two methods are better – binaural beats probably work better for brainwave entrainment, but the second method will work from speakers – headphones aren’t required. That can come in handy – especially when you want to experiment with brainwave entrainment while sleeping or meditating – ever tried falling asleep wearing headphones? I have a cordless pair, and even with those, it’s not that comfortable.

I like to use a Bluetooth speaker next to my bed and then play whatever night MP3 I choose for the night or even a complete playlist. There are many sleep better and sleep programming (with subliminal messages) recordings available.

4. Brainwave frequency groups.

Since a long time scientists know that in different situations and ages the brain frequency is different. The known brain frequency groups are:

1. Alpha range : 8 – 13 Hz (so 8 – 13 beats per second). In general the Alpha state has a relaxing influence on the body. An Alpha state is often reached during meditation.

2. Beta range 13 – 27 Hz, this is the normal state of adults during the day. It I associated with thinking, worrying, problem solving, outer awareness and fear.

3. Delta range 0.1 – 3 Hz, associated with deep dreamless sleep.

4. Theta range 3 – 8 Hz, associated with deep relaxation, deep mediation, creativity, memory and lucid dreaming.

5. Gamma range 30 – 60 Hz, this range is less known about and there is some disagreement about the definition of the Gamma range. It is better to see what the influence is of the individual frequencies.

Note the different frequency ranges as described above are not the only definitions. Some people have their own definition. More important are the individual frequencies within a range and their influence on the body, brain and cells.

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